Benefits of single use disk stack technology over depth filtration and bottle centrifugation

September 13, 2022

For over 50 years, disk stack centrifugation has been the technology of choice for harvesting cells, separating fermentations and, more recently, gene therapy applications. At the time of its introduction, it was viewed as a significant improvement over both filtration and bottle centrifugation. Benefits included minimal operator attention, result repeatability, speedy harvest times and elimination of fowling or plugging. Recent innovations have taken this proven stainless-steel technology to the next level with the launch of a disposable single-use bowl. During this webinar our experts review the value you can expect from this latest concept. Here’s what we cover:
- Design of the single use disk stack
- Cost analysis of single use options as feed concentrations increase
- Reduction in plastic waste generated
- Yield, efficiency and quality considerations
- Testing conducted at university and production settings